Healthy Indian Food In The US To Savor With Close Ones


Healthy Indian Food In The US To Savor With Close Ones

Eggs are a universal food, and there are countless ways to cook and consume them. Eggs are the true unsung hero whether you're baking, cooking, or preparing a weekend breakfast. 

They add flavor and texture to any meal and can either steal the show or share it in a supporting role. Additionally, eggs are a great source of protein and other essential nutrients that keep the body nourished and full throughout the day.

Eggs are the king of essential nutrients for a healthy lifestyle. They are a convenient, organic way to get the vitamins and minerals you need to stay energized. With 6 grams of superior, complete protein and all nine necessary amino acids, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse.

For only 70 calories per large egg, they are a brain booster for any age and stage. Eggs are a high-power, low-maintenance food because they can be cooked, scrambled, poached, baked, deviled, and so much more. Eggs assist any wholesome diet eating strategy and can also prevent snack assaults by making you feel fuller for longer. With age, eggs' superior protein helps maintain strong muscles. Eggs include choline, which supports long-term brain function. Eggs include choline, which supports long-term brain function.

A little later, we'll talk more about how the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin enhance eye health and cognitive performance. The best feature of eggs? Eggs are simple to make and love at any age and for any meal. Eggholic is an egg-centric authentic Indian restaurant that started from a cart in a mall and owns about seven branches in the USA and Canada now!

The humble beginnings gave a good starting to this restaurant and slowly it became a crowd favorite. The eatery has many different egg dishes straight from the Indian subcontinent of India.  Here are some of the benefits or nutrients that we get from consuming eggs daily.

Benefits Of Egg-Based Indian Food

Eggs And A Healthy Heart 

Eggs can be a part of a heart-healthy diet, as shown by a wealth of research, including a recent Harvard study that examined more than 20 years' worth of data. The American Heart Association suggests including eggs in a heart-healthy diet for people in good health.

Additionally, most people's blood cholesterol levels are not adversely affected by eating eggs. Did you know that the yolk of an egg contains the majority of the vitamins and minerals, including those necessary to sustain our bodies and minds, as well as about half of the protein? Eat the entire egg to get the maximum nutrition from your eggs. These egg recipes are Heart-Check recognized by the American Heart Association. Check out the EggHolic menu to see all egg-based Indian street food that you can savor with peers!

Eggs And Brain Health

Did you realize it? At every age and stage, the choline found in eggs supports lifelong brain function, including memory, thinking, mood, and other factors.

One of the few foods high in choline is eggs. To get the recommended daily amount of choline, most Americans would benefit from consuming more of it.

150 milligrams of choline can be found in a single big egg, which is roughly 27% of the daily requirements for men and 35% of the daily requirements for women.

Without consuming eggs or a dietary supplement, it is challenging to meet the Adequate daily Intake (AI) threshold for choline.

Egg’s Protein

Eggs are more than just a powerhouse of protein. They are a complete protein and a powerhouse of nutrients that contain the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy lifestyle. 

Folks, don't forget the yolks. The yolk of an egg contains the majority of the vitamins and minerals—including those necessary to nourish our bodies and brains and about half of the protein. It is often said that eggs are nature's perfect protein, providing a high-quality protein that can be used to compare other proteins. In addition to providing energy and supporting muscle and bone health, high-quality protein - such as eggs - can be eaten for breakfast.

Weight Management

With eggs, you can feel full while controlling your weight without breaking the bank on calories. One big egg contains 70 calories, is a complete protein, low in carbohydrates, and offers important vitamins and minerals.

Eggs are a reliable food source for Americans as they construct healthier diets. Eggs can be incorporated into a range of healthy diets, such as the Mediterranean, DASH, low-carb, and plant-based diets, to help you feel your best. They are a nourishing and filling component of any wholesome dietary regimen, and since they keep you fuller for longer, they can aid in preventing snack attacks. A big egg has just 70 calories and 6 grams of high-quality protein. 

For babies and young children, eggs are a no-brainer. Choline is a vital ingredient that promotes brain function from conception to age two, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Even though eggs are the food with the highest choline content, 90% of pregnant women don't consume enough of it.


When it comes to food with the highest nutritional richness, eggs are genuinely unmatched. These nutritional facts about eggs may already be known to you, but hopefully, you also learned something new. Do you wish to learn more about eggs? For more information on eggs, see the EggHolic website. This Indian restaurant in the US is worth visiting!

Additionally, browse our full site for delectable details on eggs, and follow us on Instagram @eggholicofficial for regular updates.

Eggholic is present in major cities of the United States Of America and also provides a growth opportunity with franchising opportunities for you in a few easy steps.

Other than taking care of your day-to-day needs, this brand additionally provides food for exceptional occasions, similar to birthdays or weddings, at reasonable costs. It offers marvelous Indian food catering service packs.

There are many bundles accessible, beginning at $20/Tray, and up to $100. They offer different choices to suit a wide range of groups.
